
"In her book Created for the Impossible, Krissy Nelson draws her readers into a deeper understanding of their relationship with God. She uses her own beautiful testimonies and the Word of God to dem­onstrate what our lives can look like when we “dare to dream” with God and know who we are in Him.

As you read this book, I pray that you will know the profound love God has for you and the huge destiny over your life. You really are created for the impossible."
- Heidi G. Baker, PhDCo-Founder and CEO of Iris Global, author of Birthing the Miraculous and Training for Harvest


God is daring you to dream again! If you only accomplish what seems possible to you then you will never cross the threshold into the impossible things God specializes in!

Maybe you’ve heard it a million times: “God has an amazing plan for you...”

Jesus Himself said that nothing would be impossible if you believe. But for so many Christians, this has not been their experience. Why?

There is a major hindrance that keeps Christ-followers from believing God’s promises and actually walking in the miraculous power that God has made available—the thoughts they agree with.

In Created for the Impossible, Krissy Nelson draws from her history of powerful God-encounters and shares relevant Biblical accounts. These are not mere stories—they are invitations for you to start hearing words of hope spoken straight from Heaven over you:

“My child, you can do anything; nothing is impossible for you!”

Learn how to:

  • Identify thoughts of fear, unbelief, and shame so you can quickly shut down the attacks of the enemy
  • Exchange wrong thoughts for what God says about you and learn how to let His promises supernaturally adjust your thinking
  • Watch as your beliefs about God, your identity, and your calling agree with what God says

You were created for the impossible.

Start believing and embrace the miraculous life God has for you!

Created for the Impossible
Destiny Image

Created for the Impossible

Created for the Impossible
Destiny Image

Created for the Impossible


Created for the Impossible

SKU: 9780768411706
Availability: Sold Out
Vendor: Destiny Image
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