
Do You Need to "Fix Your Money Thing?"

Fighting waves of debt is hard enough - but you don't need to drown. Financial expert Gary Keesee has tossed you a lifeline, and it can save your life and transform your future!

From struggling financially to building a successful worldwide ministry and enjoying financial freedom, author Gary Keesee shares his journey and the proven principles that will help you take back control of your finances - and your life.

Discover the spiritual laws of God s Kingdom and exactly how to apply them:

  • Put a plan in place to be out of debt in less than 7 years (including your mortgage!).
  • Save money on every purchase!
  • Uncover the hidden intersection of spiritual truth and financial principles.
  • Take back ownership of your life!
  • Even find lost money you didn't know existed!

Fixing the Money Thing isn't about numbers and budgets - it's about changing your thinking, and how that will change your life.

Money Mysteries from the Master
Destiny Image

Money Mysteries from th...

Fixing the Money Thing
Sound Wisdom

Fixing the Money Thing


Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee

SKU: 9780768436846
Availability: In stock
Vendor: Destiny Image
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