
Your days of feeling enslaved, discouraged, and overwhelmed by your financial problems are over!

From struggling financially all the way up to building a successful worldwide ministry and enjoying financial freedom, author Gary Keesee shares his journey and his proven successful principles so you can control your finances.You will learn the spiritual laws of God’s Kingdom and exactly how to apply each principle discussed.

Also clearly and expertly explained is how to: ·Find lost money. ·Put a plan in place to be out of debt in less than 7 years (including your mortgage!). ·Save in every area of life. ·See that the financial laws of the Kingdom can intersect with the natural realm to bring you freedom from worry and fear. ·From pitfalls to avoid to proactive steps to take, the path to financial freedom is clearly illuminated.Fixing the Money Thing is not a book of boring numbers and budgets—it is an inspirational book that will change your life in many positive and lucrative ways.

Fixing the Money Thing with Gary Keesee
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Fixing the Money Thing ...

Money Mysteries from the Master
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Money Mysteries from th...


Fixing the Money Thing

SKU: 9780768436846
Availability: In stock
Vendor: Sound Wisdom
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