
God's Armorbearer 40-day Study is a critical component in becoming the person God and church leaders can depend on for expanding and moving His Kingdom forward.

This 40-day Study provides you:

  • Scripture references about real armorbearers.
  • Steps to bring you closer to His plan for your life.
  • Thought-provoking questions to stimulate your spirit.
  • Amazing possibilities to guide your journey according to His plan.
  • Crucial keys to unlock your unique gifts and talents.
  • Insights into the armorbearer roles of David and Elisha.

Becoming God's Armorbearer will be your most exciting lifetime experience as you learn about the positive impact one life—your life—makes in the Body of Christ.

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Healing Handbook

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God of Wonders


God's Armorbearer 40 Day Devotional

SKU: 9780768423532
Availability: In stock
Vendor: Destiny Image
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