
Glorious Language

And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied (Acts 19:6).

The Glory Within is about the glory of the new birth, the indwelling Spirit, and your call to right nowaccess the life of God within you—through speaking in tongues.

And these signs will follow those who believe:
In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues (Mark 16:17).

Many Christians don’t realize the abundant, glorious benefits found in speaking in tongues. Realizing this gift brings you closer to God and your spiritual destiny in a variety of ways including:

  • Engaging the revelatory realm of mysteries
  • Edification
  • Building a capacity for God
  • Successful spiritual warfare
  • Holiness
  • And many other spiritual realities 
The lack of revelation of what you now possess and how to intimately access God may result in a less-than-fulfilling Christian experience and lifestyle. The Glory Within awakens your spiritual senses and inner spirit so you can become the person God created you to be.
God is Good Curriculum
Destiny Image

God is Good Curriculum

Glory Invasion Expanded Edition
Destiny Image

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Glory Within

SKU: 9780768441239
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Vendor: Destiny Image
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