
Activate your prophetic senses and operate in the invisible realm today!
Imagine having access to the unseen spiritual dimension. In fact, the Bible is clear that this should be every believer’s daily experience! As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, your inheritance is the ability to see, sense, and operate in the invisible realm of the Spirit.

God opens the unseen realm to His children so they can bring Heaven’s realities to earth.

Minister, intercessory leader, and co-host of “Power Hour,” Sarah-Jane Biggart operates as a seer prophet. She carries an impartation to help you grow your prophetic senses. Complete with testimonies, impartation, and activations, Seeing Beyond is a practical guide to interacting with the unseen Kingdom of God and manifesting Heaven’s glories here on earth.

Seeing Beyond will help you:

  • Access the spirit realm easily when you learn to enter as a citizen of Heaven.
  • Discover the key to supernatural encounters by cultivating intimacy with God.
  • Embrace the assignment of prophetic intercession and spiritual warfare to destroy darkness and advance the Kingdom of God.
  • Commune with the Lord and His angelic realm in unending heavenly places.
  • Uncover fresh Biblical revelation that inspires a lifestyle of spiritual sight.
  • Defeat the dark side of the invisible realm by shutting doors to demonic influences.

This is your invitation to engage all your spiritual senses with the Kingdom of God. As you begin to see past your daily reality into the unseen realm, Heaven’s glories will manifest in your everyday life!

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Seeing Beyond: How to Make Supernatural Sight Your Daily Reality Paperback – November 16, 2021

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