
How often have you cried out to God, Why?

Why is justice perverted? Why don't people understand me? Why do the unjust prosper? The answer: Because you are anointed! Best-selling author T.D. Jakes writes, I used to have the wrong notion that when you are really anointed, you no longer have problems or rough times. But you show me anybody who's really Holy Ghost, knee-jerking, tongue-talking, casting-out-demons, laying-hands-on-the-sick, miracle-working, world-changing, mind-transforming, mind-boggling, head-straightening anointed, and I'll show you somebody who cried in the middle of the night and suffered all night long, wondering where is God.

But, my friends, I have to confess that through it all I have learned to trust in Jesus. Through it all, I've learned to trust in God. Bishop T.D. Jakes continually ministers hope and healing to hurting people worldwide. Allow his message of anointing, based on Scripture and personal experiences, to wash over you with peace and quiet your questioning mind. Why? Because you re anointed!

100 Days in the Secret Place TP
Destiny Image

100 Days in the Secret ...

Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry Expanded Edition
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Basic Training for the ...


Why? Because You're Anointed

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Vendor: Destiny Image
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