
Jeff Goldberg and Steve Bookbinder combine their wit, intellect, and common sense in this entertaining, data packed instructional manual.

They draw on their personal insight, diversified experiences, and passion for life coaching in the writing and production of Leverage Your Laziness! In this collaboration they introduce an approach designed to use leverage and laziness as a strategy for attaining effective performance with the least work and the added bonus of sensing the enjoyment of accomplishment. Steve helps the reader discover how to recognize and utilize their strongest strengths in their personal strategy for success.

Jeff introduces keys to focus on those things you enjoy most in your work to increase your personal productivity with the least effort. Sixteen principles, dozens of motivational quotes from dozens of recognized leaders, and the opportunity for individual readers to get specific in applying these principles personally make up the format of this humorous, practical, and powerful guidebook. Concise, and compact, yet comprehensive Leverage Your Laziness! is an important tool for the established entrepreneur, for successful leaders, for life coaches, and for those who "wanna be" rich and famous.

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Leverage Your Laziness

SKU: 9781937879143
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Vendor: Sound Wisdom
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