
Featuring Prophetic Words from… 


Lana Vawser, James W. Goll, Dr. Bill Hamon, Jane Hamon, Rebecca Greenwood, Jenifer LeClaire, Robert Henderson, Ryan LeStrange, Ana Werner, Torrey Marcel harper, Tim Sheets, Doug Addison, Beverley Watkins, Jeremiah Johnson, Charlie Shamp, Jesse and Amy Shamp, Cindy Jacobs


What is the Holy Spirit Saying for 2018?

When God speaks through prophetic voices, He is giving His people instruction, direction, and revelation about the "times and seasons" ahead. Prophetic words are invitations. God the Sovereign speaks, and we, His people, have the responsibility to respond through prayer, obedience and supernatural action! 

In this unique compilation, you will receive 18 unique prophetic words from trusted generals of the prophetic and powerful emerging voices, all providing you a supernatural blueprint for 2018.  

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Prophetic Words for 2018 (Digital Download)

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