
Do you know the truth behind the dressing up and trick-or-treating that are important parts of this holiday? If not, you need to read this book with your child.

Halloween comes every year and so does the question: Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?

Most likely, your child has either asked you this, or will ask you in the future. This is why you should be ready to explain Halloween to a kid, sharing the dangers of Halloween and discussing Halloween as a pagan holiday.

This book will help your child have a Christian perspective on Halloween, making it clear why you don't celebrate the holiday. It reveals, in story form, the truth behind the activities that have become such an accepted part of Halloween traditions.

Children who read this book and talk about it with their parents will learn how the "fun" of Halloween harms them. They will also learn what to say to others who do not understand the true meaning of Halloween.

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Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?

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Vendor: Destiny Image
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