
Enjoy a cup of inspiration!

Take a big swallow of spiritual java to start your day, and your spirit will be energized to meet and conquer the world on God's terms!

Selecting 40 invigorating excerpts from their exciting and popular books, Pastor Bill Johnson and his Bethel Church associates have created an excellent blend of rich, generous, fortifying spiritual inspiration.

Take a deep whiff of what Bill, his wife Beni, and their friends Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, Kevin Dedmon, and Banning Liebscher have brewed specially for you.

Step 1: Select an espresso-sized chapter.
Step 2: Sit back and relax in God's presence.
Step 3: Learn to listen to His voice.
Step 4: Follow His directions.
God will take you into supernatural new territory, and your explorations will not end until you are fully walking in His perfect plan for your life.
Each time you enjoy a few more sips, you will be warmed and energized to step out into your world with renewed Kingdom effectiveness. May each sip of every chapter be spiritual java for your soul.
The Power of Communion with 40-Day Prayer Journey (Leather Gift Version): Accessing Miracles Through the Body and Blood of Jesus Imitation Leather – February 15, 2022 by Beni Johnson  (Author), Bill Johnson  (Author)
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The Power of Communion ...

Decree Third Edition
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Decree Third Edition


Spiritual Java

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Vendor: Destiny Image
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