
John 10:10 says that Satan is out to rob, to kill and to destroy us.

Addictions - drugs, alcohol abuse, sexual hang-ups, or self-absorption are some of the biggest ways the enemy does this today. Cynthia says, Unfortunately, Christians are not excluded from the enemy s plot, but have become his biggest target! Yes, addictions do come to church and it is becoming an ever-increasing problem among God's people.

It is a life or death situation and we are playing Russian Roulette when trapped in addictions. Eventually, the wrong trigger will be pulled and goodbye to all the hopes and dreams of God's vision. This is the ultimate goal of the enemy of course, to silence any witness for Christ. And without God's divine intervention, it s just a matter of time before that silencing begins.

Milestones is an excellent tool for individual reflection or group study. It is based on the Word of God and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It is not a one-time cure or quick fix, but a new way of living - a new life in Christ. The desired result in recovery is to live a life full of purpose and meaning without the fear of relapse ever again! This is possible but only through Christ. God wants us to press on to our future and not stay stuck in the past. His will as Jesus said in John 10:10: I came that they may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance. (Amp)

The Power of Communion with 40-Day Prayer Journey (Leather Gift Version): Accessing Miracles Through the Body and Blood of Jesus Imitation Leather – February 15, 2022 by Beni Johnson  (Author), Bill Johnson  (Author)
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The Power of Communion ...

Decree Third Edition
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Decree Third Edition



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